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我的世界1.11预发布版pre1 修复令人皱眉的BUG【华体会hth体育最新登录最新版V7.24.568】

时间:2024-12-21 12:33:01


我的世界电脑版1.11第1个实公布版经常出现了,也就回应离测试版早已不远处了。这个实公布版修缮了一些细小的令人皱眉的BUG,同时回应若无其他状况,我的世界1.11测试版将于11月14日公布!【转载自我的世界中文论坛,原作者乙烯_中国i】| 1.11实公布版pre1We have reached a point for Minecraft 1.11 where we feel ready to level up our snapshots to pre-release status! The observer, llamas, and exploration maps will soon hit all vanilla servers across the world, and heres your last chance to give it a test run before it does so.我们已抵达1.11版本的一个中继点,我们早已准备好升级到1.11实公布版的阶段。观察者、羊驼和探险地图将迅速经常出现在世界各地的服务器中,这是最后一次测试运行的机会。

Unless we encounter unexpected issues of grandiose seriousness, the target release date is November 14!除非经常出现意料之外的恶性问题,我们将在11月14日公布。Notable changes:明显的改版Included one frowny one还包括一个让人困惑的(三小?)Bugs fixed in 1.11-pre1:在1.11pre1中修缮的bug[Bug MC-67665] - Mouse click position always lags a few frames behind the crosshair鼠标页面的方位总是比指针领先几帧[Bug MC-101457] - JSON signs with the score tag dont work.带上score的json的告示牌不起作用[Bug MC-103399] - /debug command create empty filesdebug指令创立空文件[Bug MC-107581] - Animation of totem is affected by fixed display setting rotation (and is inverted)图腾的动画受到表明设置自由选择的影响(并被旋转)??[Bug MC-107848] - Shulker and shulker boxes have dark corners潜影贝和潜影箱有黑角[Bug MC-108270] - Wither skeleton spawing quelled by normal skeletons衰败骷髅被普通骷髅毁坏[Bug MC-108934] - The ench:[] tag doesnt have glint with potions, but name is colored otherwise具有附魔标签的药水不闪烁,但是名字变色[Bug MC-108984] - Server can softlock client服务器可以软锁客户端[Bug MC-109303] - Hoppers do not pass items back and forth at a regular speed and comparators can not read them correctly细管以非常规的速度往返传送物品,较为器无法准确加载[Bug MC-109507] - Placing Shulker Box at 0 0 0 Causes Client Crash在0 0 0 处摆放潜影箱会造成客户端瓦解[Bug MC-109563] - Trapped chests no longer update components it powers through the block its on陷阱箱仍然改版能量[Bug MC-109566] - Inventory: Single Stack Items dont drop off into a slot when cursor is moving当指针移动时单两组物品会堕去栏中[Bug MC-109568] - Cannot drag all held items无法拖平铺全部的物品(不会新的变为一堆)[Bug MC-109576] - Curse of Binding in no creative inventory tab anymore初始化附魔不出在建构模式物品栏[Bug MC-109577] - Unbreaking and Mending are only listed in Tools creative inventory tab耐久性和经验修复只在建构中的工具物品栏[Bug MC-109587] - Elytra are sometimes transparent on an armor stand鞘翅有时候在盔甲架上是半透明的[Bug MC-109603] - Observers can cause powerable blocks to be stuck on观察者有可能造成可号召充能的方块卡住[Bug MC-109605] - Inverting redstone torches prints lskdjfldskjf to log反败为胜的红石火把在log中表明乱码以上就是4399蕾米为大家带给的我的世界1.11实公布版pre1,更加多精彩内容请求注目4399我的世界电脑版专区,或者在百度上搜寻4399我的世界,寻找我们的专区,才可在第一时间取得我的世界的近期涉及内容。【新闻资讯】我的世界11.5Reamls PC版做到一头熊打一头龙【新闻资讯】我的世界纽查伦斯地形 PC版纽坎伦斯热带大陆【红石教程】我的世界门口灯怎么做 PC版门口灯制作教学想要理解更加多关于Minecraft的资讯爆料,请求砍我的世界新闻资讯更加多精彩内容请求注目我的世界电脑版专区,或者在百度上搜寻4399我的世界,寻找我们的专区,或者页面右图中的转入专区首页查阅!。



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